A group of normal teenagers enjoy a night out and a fair ground.
While boarding a rollercoaster ride, the protagonist, Wendy, has a premonition that the roller coaster will go off the rails and everyone will die. In an attempt to persuade people about what she saw, she only magages to encouage 9 people to leave the ride. Her premonition happens.
One by one the survivors of the roller coaster die off one by one in the order thy came off the ride. Wendy realisies a connection between the deaths and the photographs taken that night. She teams up with another character, Kevin, to attempt to interveane these deaths.
Wendy still manages to narrowly miss avoiding other characters deaths, and three (Wendy, her sister and kevin) are left awaiting their deaths. 6 months later, Wendy meets her sister on the train, and then also Kevin. She sees a promonition that they are killed in a train crash, and attempts to escaped. The film ends.
New equilibrium
The villain or "Fate" wins in this film so there is no new equilibrium. It could be arued that what is expected of the film (that they all die), happens and there is a new balance of what should be right. However it is not certain that they die at the end, though it is suggested.
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