The tagline "You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story" signifies the story is about relationships. The second sentence connotes a challenge of removing the love for someone. The image of half a face might be the protagonist or hero. The fact he is looking up signifies he is thinking about the top half of the poster, and also links to the word "Mind" in the title. The phrase "Spotless Mind" denotes an empty mind, with no thoughts or meories. This could suggest the film is about forgetting or losing memories and thoughts. The face is positioned at the bottom left of the page, which signifies thoughts are out of the way, in the back of the mind, which also links to the tagline of "forgetting". There is also lots of binary opposition throughout the image. The Bottom half has a dark background, large image and the protagonist is alone. In contrast, the top half has a white background and has two character, who are a small percentage of the poster. This use of binary oppostion could signify the confusions and contrasting themes throughout the film: remembering and forgetting, being in and out of love ect. The title of the film slowly fades out, which reflects the fading of his mind or memory.
What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?
The tagline suggest the genre is Romance. As the protagonist is Jim Carey, it suggest the film is a comedy, as that is his main genre in other films. It could also be seen as a comedy as one of the characters has blue hair.
Who do you think is the target audience?
I think the target audience is males and females who are 20 plus because the characters represent maturer people like 30+, who they could identify with. Also the themes of relationships could also appeal to them. I think this film appeals to a reformer because they would find the film explores the themes of self-discovery and change.
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