The female character is wearing an old style dress with corset, which signifies this is set in a particular time period such as 1800’s. The male is wearing a black cape. The colour black connotes mystery and evilness which suggest he might be a villain. Capes also connote mythical creatures such as witches and vampires which suggest a magical, mysterious evil character is signified.
Low key lighting is used in the mise-en scene. This creates a dark gloomy atmosphere, which creates mystery (enigma codes) for the audience and this is reflected by the female character. This light is sourced mainly from a fire torch held by the male. As he is holding it, it could signify he is the dominant characters making him the protagonist.
The light also draws attention to him, and focuses the audience on him, showing he is the protagonist. The light is shining on the side of his face with the mask. This could signify that people only see the “masked” side of him, other than the “real” side of him that is away from the camera.
The protagonist is standing in front of the female which signifies he is the dominant one in control. He is also looking ahead, at an unknown object which creates enigma for the audience, as they would want to know what has caught his attention. He is standing sideways, which signifies he is not a welcoming person, creating even more enigma e.g why is he like that?. The masked character has a serious facial expression, which also make him look unwelcoming.
The female’s expression shows she is focused on the protagonist, like the audience. This could signify her excitement of his presence or she may be in a “trance-like” state which also makes him appear as a magical character.
The protagonist is wearing a white mask that covers half his face. A mask connotes mystery and hiding identity. This suggests he is hiding something both from the female character and the audience which creates enigma. However, white connotes innocence and purity. This contrast uses binary opposition, which creates confusion and therefore enigma for the audience, about who he is.
The protagonist is also holding a fire torch. A fire torch could connote power and dominant males, but could also connote passions which suggest he is powerful and may have passion or love for the female he is guiding along.
The scene is set in a dark castle which signifies the time period. It is dark with only torch light, and the walls are bare and dusty which signifies not may people visit that area. This tells the audience, that the protagonist is taking the female to a secret/unknown location.
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