Tuesday 3 November 2009

Film Poster Analysis- Pirates of the Carribean

What do you think the film is about and what might the story be?

I think the film is about pirates because the props worn by one of the characters makes them look like a pirtate. His gun conotes violence or crime. At the bottom half of the page, there are drawings of ship on the rough sea, which suggest the film is about sea adventures. There is a green tint throughout the poster, which connotes a dirty sea, whch could reflect the grittiness of the film. On the left hand side of the poster, there is palm trees which signifies the carribean as the location and it also links to the title.

What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

As there are pirates an ship, they are iconographic for the adventure genre. There seems to be the leg of a mythical creature attacking a ship which connotes a fantasy genre too.

Who do you think is the target audience?

As the film is produced, promoted or distributed by Disney, it suggest the audience are families. I think it appeals to females as well as males, due to the love stoy in the film. I think the pyscograpic audience is strugglers because the storyline is not based on reality and the audience could escape from reality.

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